7/8 Workday Summary

Dear West 104th Street Gardeners:

Wednesday’s work evening was very well attended. We covered a number of issues, among them: 1) the status of electrical access in the garden, 2) the addition of new garden plots, 3) addition of benches to the west side of the garden 4) the soon-to-be installed ballot boxes (one each on east and west sides) and 5) a ballot was held to accept or reject Sue Archambault and Alan Tenney to the Steering Committee and, 6) the need to put out the Open Garden sign when one is monitoring.

Establishing Electrical Power in the East Garden
Jean Jaworek spoke about having been referred to an electrician used who works for the Jewish Home for the Aged (W 106th), Singer Electric. Singer is going to make an on-site evaluation and deliver ideas about how to secure power for the garden.

New Ballot System
Alan Tenney and Susan Archambault will design and install weather-resistant balloting boxes in both the west and east gardens.

New Garden Plots
Peter Bazeli led a discussion regarding the pros and cons of the 2 proposed plans for new garden plots to accommodate people waiting for plots (currently on the waiting list). To paraphrase, both versions involved the use of area along the southeastern area of the eastern garden. One included using space behind the sheds, the other did not. Plans were handed out for reference. Gardeners’ discussion was lively and included the issue of whether it was practical to have 4′ beds without more than one–in some cases–aisle access. Another major consideration was whether or not the area behind the sheds was a good choice for new beds because of limited growing light and the projected need for those spaces to be used for storage purposes.

Several constructive ideas were offered. For example, the use of stepping stones was suggested in instances where access to a deep bed is limited. This idea was embraced by the majority and Peter agreed to include in schematically in the final sketch.

After a lively debate for some 20 minutes the plan to install new beds along the fence only, was approved unanimously by those in attendance. Thus, this will be the plan that is offered to the entire membership by paper ballot as soon as the new system is in place. There will be paper ballots available in the east and west gardens for 2 weeks from the date they are made available. Please know you can vote by proxy if you know you will not be here. The balloting will take place in both the east and west sections of the garden (see new ballot system above). If the Membership approves the plan, it will then be submitted to Green Thumb for approval.

New Garden Benches for West Garden
Penny Donnenfeld and Susan Yarnell have volunteered to procure new benches for the west garden seating area. They will report back with their progress.

Susan Archambault and Alan Tenney were voted unanimously to the Steering Committee.

Using the Open Garden Sign
Monitoring members were reminded to put out the Open Garden sign during their shifts.

Work ReCap
Thanks to the 30-odd members who were able to attend the meeting on Wednesday, we accomplished a lot. We weeded the rose garden; the gravel paved meeting area; the gazebo bed and tree wells on the east side; mowed the lawns and transplanted plants. The grassy fringe around the garden plots and communal beds was whipper-snipped.

On-Going Tasks
Robin Mace volunteered to pick-up grass seed and fertilizer from Home Depot. Jean Jaworek said the maintenance committee would attend to the reinforcement of the fence and the rat hole on the West Side. Frank and Jean will be launching the rain collection project to involve runoff from the gazebo roof to barrels opposite those already in place on the east side in the next few weeks. Lou volunteered to ask Larry to touch up the Open Garden signs.

If you couldn’t make it….
kindly notify me at jvrana@verizon.net for a make-up assignment.

Now that the rain has diminished and we can expect warmer temperatures (?), don’t forget to water your beds and the communal beds–if you have a few extra minutes.

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