Down and dirty

Hi guys,

It’s official, we’re getting the soil highest grade according to Matt, Central Park’s expert in the matter. The vote was overwhelming: 2 against, 1 abstaining, all the rest for.

After some cajoling, the owner of the company agreed to deliver a little less for a little less…16 cubic yards for $464.

Lou went to the garden at 8 a.m. to ward off cars and welcome the delivery. Anne will head up the workday effort — first getting bricks and rock out of the communal beds (they’re just a few inches under) and digging up tender perennials before we put the soil down, and then replanting them. Lou has said he’ll help oversee distribution of the soil, and Ariel has said that she’ll help: basically 4 inches in the West communal gardens and herb garden, a pile in the back shade garden (that I’ll spread around when I get back), and about 1/3 inch topping for the lawn in the West garden. East garden will get the soil after the festival.

If you have time, pls. start moving the dirt this weekend, piling it up in spots so that it can be spread out after rocks & plants are removed.

Hurray for dirt!


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