April Events

SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1pm –3pm, 7th Annual Easter Parade & (for kids through 8 yrs. of age) Egg Hunt. FREE — bring your kids and grandkids to participate in games, sing-a-long, crafts (anyone to make a basket?), and snacks. Perhaps you might help to decorate, supervise wandering youngsters, lead a game, etc.,: call Lou 666-9733 to volunteer?

SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1pm ,Opening Season Garden Meeting: Progress, Treasury, Green Thumb reports; Election of 2009 Steering Committee, Signup for monitor shifts, check working committee assignments, and meet and greet new and old friends! It’s our annual Potluck brunch, so bring a dish to share as well.


MACY’S FLOWER SHOW, Sunday, April 5 thru Sunday April 19. It’s usually a rare treat in sight and fragrance. Broadway window displays and floral arrangements throughout the 34th St. store itself. Regular store hours.


We’ll probably experience the renovation of the West garden site’s retaining wall toward the end of our season (Fall), so you might not want to plant anything other than annuals/vegetables (no bulbs) in your beds — or in community beds along the front and inside east side fences — in case any of the beds have to be upset in the doing. We’ll receive advance notice of when, exactly, later.


The two dozen-plus gardeners who worked devotedly on our first workday March 29 to clean up both East and West gardens; rebuilt individual beds with new planking; pruned the Peach trees; and spread the last of the woodchiips mulch! The garden is in grand shape going forward into our new season.

See you on the 19th?


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