December 7: Let’s Put Our Garden to Bed

Dear fellow garden-member:

The “putting the garden to bed” day is a week from tomorrow 10 AM, Sat Dec 7th.  I would love to be wrong, but current trends suggest to me we could be in store for a long cold, bitter winter.

As many of you know, we got lots of wood mulch, which, if laid down now to a depth of 4-6,” will provide great protection for any plants you may have as well as nourishment as the mulch spends the winter degrading.  Come Spring, just turn your mulched bed, and voila, you will have vastly improved soil by an all-natural, organic process.

Please come on the 7th so that you can mulch your private bed and any communal bed you are responsible for.  We have had great contributions of labor and now have at least three full-size working wheel-barrows (as well as one “half-size”).  If you cannot make the 7th, but would like your private bed mulched for the winter, please feel free to “reply to all,” to let us know that you would like to delegate this job to other garden members. 

Please note that, as per above, this invitation applies to only private beds; communal bed mulching should be coordinated through you committee heads, if you cannot come to the workday to do yourself.

No guarantees, but we will try to accommodate your request if we can.  Deadline for you to request to do so is Monday Dec 2, as we will need to spend some time making sure we match person to plot.  If we don’t hear from you by then, you can still come to the workday, and we hope you do, and then you can get “mulched” then…

Best regards to all,

Mark De Rocco

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