Opening Potluck Brunch: Sun, March 13, 1pm

Dear Gardeners,

We are pleased to announce that the opening meeting for the 104th Street Garden will be on Sunday, March 13 at 1:00 pm in the community room at the Schneider Apartments, 11 West 102 Street. This will be a potluck brunch, so please bring something delicious to share if you are able.

We will elect the season’s Steering Committee at this meeting and we would like to encourage garden members to participate. The Steering Committee is the democratically elected governing body of the garden tasked with coordinating the communal workdays, solving small problems as they arise and coordinating member votes on more large-scale proposals. In recent years these have included the decisions to install the rainwater harvesting system and new beds to accommodate a growing membership.

Whether you are a new or a continuing member of the garden, we encourage you to volunteer to run for a post on the Steering Committee. New ideas, fresh perspectives, and energy are healthy additions to the administrative well being of our garden community. Even if you are a long-time member of the garden who has served on the Steering Committee in the past, please consider running for Steering once again. Not only do we ask that you consider the impact your experience with the garden could make, but also to embrace the reality that there are a limited number of members in our community. We must all take a turn on a rotating basis and put in some time to keep our garden functioning so that this community resource nourished by you and others continues to thrive. We need you now.

In addition, Pam Wax is leaving the neighborhood and sadly will not be returning this season. We are enormously grateful for the stellar job Pam has done in coordinating the monitoring schedule, and now we need someone to take up the helm on this task. She is happy to explain the system she has devised for tracking and notification to anyone who will volunteer to take over from her.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the current Steering Committee members listed below.

W. 104th St Garden Steering Committee (2010 season)

Mary Kelly 212-807-0266
Nikki Kowalski 212-665-7897
Ann Levine 212-866-3378
Paula McKenzie 212-222-6337
Shane Nye 510-282-1992
Alan Tenney 212-663-1314
Janice Vrana 212-749-7875
Marcia Berry (treasurer) 212-865-8630

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