GreenThumb Deliveries For The 2020 Season

Good evening gardeners,

In advance of our Zoom garden meeting tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., I wanted to bring everyone up to date on how the city shut down is/will likely affect the garden this season. 

Wood delivery for bed rebuilding-As of April 23, 2020, GT is still planning to provide enough lumber to rebuild and raise approximately 22 beds. The delivery was supposed to take place the last week in March, but has been postponed due to the shut down. This was to be the first of three deliveries, the last of which was to arrive towards the end of October 2020. To date, GT has not cancelled any of the planned deliveries. 

Supplies and Plants-Between Jan. and March, GT has offered various supplies (garden equipment, flats of flowers, herbs and vegetables) to gardens in good standing.  GT has not committed to a delivery date or to what will actually be received, but hoped that deliveries would begin in May.  Although, it’s unlikely anything will arrive before the City starts to reopen.

Rainwater Harvesting System and Repairs to the Cistern-GrowNYC has applied for a grant to provide a water harvesting system for the east garden.  The original proposal was for installation on the gazebo.  However, due to the unresolved rat problem, if the grant is approved, the system will be installed on the new shed.  Additionally, GrowNYC will upgrade the overflow on the cistern in the west garden.

Plant Sale-This is on hold until we have a better sense of when the city is going to reopen.

There will be ample opportunity for further discussion at the meeting tomorrow.  The SC hopes  to see (or hear) everyone then.

-Simone Nicholson