Welcome New Steering Committee Members

Dear garden members,

We had a vote on two new Steering Committee members at the garden potluck (Donna and Hamid) and we are writing to report the results. There was a quorum present and both Donna and Hamid received a majority of “yea” votes. Congratulations Donna and Hamid! And thank you so much in advance for your service!

2020 Steering Commitee

Hamid Alaoui
Beverly Bates
Donna Checkan
Mark De Rocco
Joyce Griffen
Raleigh Mayer
Simone Nicholson
Bethany Davis Noll
Katy Pederson
Ariel Behr, Treasurer

You can reach the Steering Committee by emailing w.104.garden@gmail.com.

FYI: We will be sending separate updates related to COVID-19 changes later this weekend.

Thank you,

Your friendly garden gnomes