West Community Garden Update

Some good news – Matt Brown, head of Central Park Conservancy’s Soil and Conservation has agreed to come and give a talk/ walk-through our garden on June 24 at 6.30 pm (the night I’m monitoring). He’ll talk about soil, plants, growing things in the city, and answer any questions we might have. Please put this on your calendars – he’s a great guy (and has kindly brought a truckload of dirt/compost to the garden for the past two years.)

Still haven’t received the plants that were ordered. I’ll be out of town over the weekend, so I’ve asked Frank to let Ann know if they come before the workday. Otherwise, will send an email when they arrive. Julia and Ann know what needs to be done in the garden for the workday.

Thanks to all of you who came and worked in the garden last weekend (and to Ariel and Shane for offering libations) – the garden is beginning to look great.

