Lou Ludyny volunteered to organize our annual Halloween party on Sat. October 30; now he needs our help to make this a success.
Tomorrow @ 1:30: Finish painting the gazebo floor, about ½ hour’s work
Sat. Oct 23, 1-4 PM: Put up Halloween decorations. (The La Perla Garden has been ghoulish for more than a week: we need to catch up!)
DONATE CANDY (container in the garden) and BAKED GOODS, always popular.
Sat. Oct. 30, 1-3 PM: Help set up, run children’s games, sell baked goods, etc. (including clean up)*. Costumes optional for adults.
*Green Guerilla Giveaway the same day. Plants will be delivered to La Perla between 2 and 4 PM. We need volunteers with wheelbarrows to pick up our share (not very hard labor).
With so many opportunities, surely you can pitch in.
Let Lou know what you can do: ; (212) 666-9733
Thanks in advance for your contributions and participation!